Home Blog 10 Tips for Writing Assignments

Love it or hate it, Assignments are an inseparable part of academic life. Sometimes you might get thrilled exploring new information you never knew existed. At other times, you will be awake till late at night trying to match the given word limit. To make your assignment writing experience more joyful and less tiresome and help you achieve great grades, we have got the top ten tips for you.

  • Proceed with a plan:

The most underestimated practice for managing assignments is planning. Students naturally tend to procrastinate leaving the 10 days of work to be done in one night. To avoid such dreadful scenes, it is better to plan your assignment ahead of time.

Mark your calendar for research, writing assignments, editing, revision, etc. This way you will be able to craft quality papers with enough time and no stress. 

  • Research extensively

Who does not wish for his/her assignment to stand out in the class? Well, your essay will outshine the rest if it has a novelty factor. For that, you will have to do comprehensive research on your topic.

Read as much information as you can. Go beyond online sources and surf scholarly journals and books. There’s a wealth of data found in the books that will enrich your paper, demonstrate your knowledge, and impress your faculty. Also, make sure to use information only from legitimate sources.

  • Take notes on the go

Create a document where you can copy-paste all the relevant information while undertaking research for your project. Also, mention the source besides the data which will help in referencing. 

It is a real pain to go through all the information to find a bit that you require. So it is advisable to mark your points on the go.

  • Make a rough outline

This is another tip to simplify your assignment writing task. It entails making a skeleton of your project before beginning the writing process. Determine what information will go in the introduction, individual body paragraphs and conclusion. This will serve as a roadmap for you and help you stay focused and on track.

  • Pay attention to organization, citations, and references

Your presentation is as vital as your content. Make the organization apparent in your paper. It is good to follow a research paper writing format viz. MLA, APA, or Chicago even when it is not mentioned in the instructions. It will make your paper readable, neat, and professional, snapping some extra marks. 

Include a bibliography at the end of the paper and insert in-text citations wherever you quote outside data.

  • Allow plenty of time for editing

Don’t consider your first draft as the final one. It surely has a lot of scope for improvement. Read and reread your paper multiple times. Reconsider your word choice. Find out if any section of the paper is looking repetitive or whether any point needs more explanation. 

Check the flow of your essay and ensure that it is coherent with the smooth flow of information and without any abrupt shifts. Additionally, scan the assignment for punctuation, grammar, and spelling.

  • Use academic writing techniques

There are some academic writing techniques you can employ to give an edge to your assignment. Follow the structure of the introduction, body, and conclusion. 

Let your introduction give a brief about your topic, its background and your thesis statement. Every body paragraph should be centered on one theme only. Use topic and transition sentences in your paragraphs at their start and end respectively. Recap the main findings in the concluding paragraph of your essay and leave an impactful trail that continues to linger in the mind of the reader after reading your piece.

  • Add your personal opinions where applicable

The main intention behind giving assignments is to inculcate research and critical thinking skills in students. If you include your personal opinions in your essay, it shows that you have been actively involved in your assignment and have understood the subject matter. This will surely generate a positive imprint in the mind of your evaluator increasing your scores.

  • Find out the most effective medium for displaying information

Chunks of write-ups are not the only way of displaying information. You can also use tables, Venn diagrams, pie charts, and other types of diagrams and charts to convey the data more understandably and effectively. While this won’t require much of your time and, efforts it will surely make the instructor feel that you have gone the extra mile for your project.

  • Avoid plagiarism

Clearly, the most significant element in the current scenario is plagiarism. As the majority of students will take the data from the same sites, your paper will be identical to everyone else. Owing to the experience and knowledge of your evaluators, it is easy for them to identify that the content is plagiarised. It will not only reduce your marks but can also lead to rejection of your assignment all over. 

So, instead of copy-pasting the exact content, you can paraphrase it in your own words. In case you are using the same words, quote them and cite the source. 

Assignments might be the daredevil of your life but through planning, good research, originality, and academic writing mannerisms, you can make the process easier, light, and stress-free and enhance the quality of your paper.

If you want to lift the burden of assignments completely from your head and better grades you can reach out to 'The Assignment Ninjas’ professional assignment writing service for assistance. We have a board of in-house expert writers who can compose a customized and excellent-quality assignment within a short time. So don’t let assignments ruin your enjoyable young days, contact us now and march on your way to success!

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