Home Blog 100+ Two Minute Speech Topics

Many schools, universities, and colleges focus on the importance of 2-minute speeches as they play a significant role in improving many ley skills. However, some students ignore these speeches and focus on external sources when required to provide a speech. Therefore it is important to learn the skill set of delivering a 2-minute speech and keep you ahead of others. 

When preparing a 2-minute speech topic it is important to identify your interest and shortlist the topics you are most comfortable with.  Selecting the right topic can play an important role in delivering the perfect 2-minute speech. However, in case you don't have the right list of topics, identifying the right topic would be next to impossible. 

However, don't worry we have got you covered. The following blog will provide you will all the information regarding the structure, do’s and don’ts, strategies, and topics to help you face the difficulty and give a convincing speech to the audience. 

Therefore let's move. 



Structure of 2-minute speech 

For instance, let's assume that you are required to deliver a speech or college. So where to start? First of all, you will need a topic, that can gain your interest and also your audience. The next step is putting the words into action and delivering a speech that keeps your audience glued to their seats. 

Therefore to deliver an interesting speech, it is important to know how to start your speech and end it and grab the attention of the audience.  You can make use of these steps to deliver an interesting 2-minute speech:

  • Start with a quote: Generally, people relate to things from which they are aware. Therefore it is advisable to use a quote from any popular movie, sitcom, or a well-known personality. This will make the audience eager to listen more. 
  • Introduce your topic: Connect the topic of the speech with the quote you spoke. It is important not to make the listeners take back when you start a topic different from the quote you spoke about earlier. Moreover, it is also important not to spend too much time on the introduction and use the right phrases to complete the job quickly. 
  • Identify the problems: For instance, you are preparing a speech on  ‘Books are better than movies.’ Therefore in this topic, you cannot talk about your own experiences but rather provide examples to describe the problem. It is important to make the audiences understand that the movies are not adding value nor they are helping in learning anything new. Come straight to the point without wasting too much time. 
  • Discuss the solutions: Think for a moment. Would you like to stay in a place where people are always talking about problems? Surely not?  So when delivering a speech, whether it is two minutes or more, talk about the solutions. If you feel that books provide many benefits by reading them, then explain how. This will help in grabbing the attention of the listeners.
  • Don't get Diverted: There are many chances of getting diverted from the topic as you start sharing your experiences. Therefore deviating from the topic will result in losing the essence of the essay. Therefore when preparing the topic it is important to make sure that you don't deviate and start discussing irrelevant topics.
  • Concussion: When concluding the speech, revisit the main arguments made in the speech, and also provide room for discussion. Your speech must have a long-lasting impression in the minds of the audience. Therefore, before leaving the podium you provide them with the right points to make them keep thinking. 

In case you are thinking that a 2-minute speech does not require too much preparation, then remember even in getting a good taste in 2-minute noodles, it requires proper preparation.  Therefore before visiting the list of trending 2-minute speech topics, let's learn about some strategies to make them very effective. 


Strategies for a powerful 2-minute speech

It is important to have an effective strategy for delivering a perfect speech. As we know most of you are eager to browse through the list of 2-minute speech topics, wait before you are aware of the right strategies to use them. Here are some of the strategies that can help you go through the way.

  • Ask questions 

In case you have selected the topic, “Social media is harmful for the present generation”. Here are the requirements to address a few points. First, start with “ Whom should be aware of the harmful effects?” Secondly ask yourself, “ What are the different things that are causing harm?” Lastly, “Why is social media harmful?”.  As you answer these questions preparing a speech will be very easy. 

  • Logical Flow

Before delivering the speech, keep yourself in the place of the audience, and think about whether are you ready to listen to a speech that does not have a logical flow. Therefore when selecting topics for a 2-minute speech in schools and colleges, select the topic in which you are confident enough that you will be able to keep a logical flow of information during the speech. 

  • Share facts

In case you want your audience to pay full attention to your speech, you will be required to go the extra mile and conduct extensive research regarding the speech topic. Therefore in case you are preparing for the social media topic as mentioned earlier, it is important to have clear evidence that will support your arguments Don't give judgements. Make the audience understand what are you saying and why the information is relevant. 

  • Keep them informed

Your audience must be aware of what you are taking. You should not allow your readers to assume and think about what are you talking about.  On the other hand, take the initiative and introduce the topic to the audience and inform them about what are you taking in your 2-minute speech. 2-minute speech topics are generally related to ongoing trends and you will not have to invest a lot of time in introducing the topic to the audience. 

  • Challenge the existing ideas

 Don't leave before challenging the existing ideas. You should challenge what other people say about the topic during the discussion, and be open to sharing your thoughts when you feel something wrong. Also, you should share insights regarding how you feel, this helps in providing room for further discussion in the future. 

Finding 2-minute speech topics and then justifying them all together is a very challenging task. Therefore the structure and strategies presented above will help you in preparing your 2-minute speech topics for school and college. Although in case you find it difficult to keep everything. Therefore in the next section, we will provide a list of trending 2-minute speech topics for schools and colleges that will help you sail through the process. 


2-Minute Speech Topics on Environment

  1. Climate change and global warming are the two most alarming problems presently
  2. Can air conditioners be held responsible for sudden weather changes?
  3. Deforestation is causing serious environmental damage
  4. Suggest ways to fight the problems harming the environment
  5. Do you agree that oil spills are harming the water around the globe? 
  6. Plastic use is causing maximum damage to the environment
  7. The increasing number of vehicles is directly related to increasing pollution
  8. Should we go back to past habits to protect the environment from further damage?
  9. Environmental damage can be related to a rise in diseases
  10. Suggest ways to keep our environment clean

2-Minute Speech Topics on Social Issues

  1. Should we accept undocumented immigrants and let them enjoy the perks?
  2. Exploring the negative effects of social media on the present generation
  3. Suggest ways to control the rising problems with alcohol consumption among teenagers
  4. Should the legal system be more strict with repeat offenders?
  5. Women must speak out about domestic violence
  6. Governments must improve their healthcare system to fight against deadly diseases
  7. The lack of jobs is making way for to rise of gambling sites
  8. Suggest ways to keep global poverty under control
  9. What are the measures governments need to take to avoid water contamination?
  10. Exploring ways to fight the rapid climate change across the world

Funny 2-Minute Speech Topics

  1. Pineapples are not for pizzas
  2. Street food and stomach disorders
  3. Exploring a situation in school that got you into trouble
  4. A discussion on strange things that took place on your first day in college
  5. Explain how difficult it is to frame an excuse when you forget to do your homework
  6. Talk about the best April Fool’s prank you made
  7. A discussion on a situation when you rescheduled a fight due to time constraints
  8. Talk about a situation when you lied to your parents to attend a party 
  9. A discussion on a day when the dream you saw at night came true
  10. Share your experience while watching a funny movie

2-Minute Speech Topics on Education

  1. Education is a fundamental right. Should it be made free?
  2. Homework is important for all students across all levels
  3. Schools and colleges must be lenient with deadlines
  4. The admission criteria for renowned universities are too strict
  5.  Should artificial intelligence be given so much importance in education?
  6. Can social media be a medium for exchanging educational information?
  7. How is technology helping modern-day education?
  8. How do extracurricular activities enhance the skills of students?
  9. What can be done to make classes more interactive?
  10. How is technology hampering the time management skills of students? 

2-Minute Speech Topics on Social Media

  1. Social media is considered bad for students
  2. The ongoing trends of reels on Instagram can be a good source of income
  3. The rise of social media and income opportunities have made students leave studying 
  4. Dating over social media can lead to harmful consequences
  5. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, which among these is the best? 
  6. A discussion on how social media is promoting political campaigns
  7. Parents must monitor social media usage of children
  8. How can social media websites protect personal data?
  9. Cyberbullying rose after the emergence of social media
  10. Do you feel social media must have an age restriction?

2-Minute Speech Topics on Politics and Government

  1. A discussion on the difference of ideologies of former and present President
  2. The impact of the Cold War on foreign policies of the US
  3. Exploring the transition of the political landscape of a country
  4. Can politics affect international trade?
  5. A discussion on corruption and how it has affected the entire political system
  6. Share some measures the government must take to improve overall conditions
  7. The need to allow prisoners to vote like all others
  8. A discussion on the superpowers and how they are affecting global politics
  9. Discuss how governments are formed and the powers each have
  10. The steps governments must take to avoid any conflicts with others

2-Minute Speech Topics on Animals

  1. Is it right to use animals for scientific testing?
  2. Do you feel factory farming is not the right way to raise animals? 
  3. A discussion on how animal abuse is a serious crime 
  4. Governments must take steps to ensure all stray animals are safe
  5. It is necessary to set rules and regulations to keep a pet
  6. Exotic animals must be left in their natural habitats and should not be allowed as pets
  7. Do you feel killing animals in the name of culture should be allowed?
  8. The steps to take to ensure circus animals do not get harmed or injured in the process
  9. Citizens must have an idea about animal rights set by the authorities
  10. Teasing animals should be made a punishable offense

2-Minute Speech Topics on Sports

  1. Should students get more sports time in schools and colleges?
  2. Can sports enhance skills and prepare students for the future?
  3. Sports events are a must in all educational institutions
  4. Violent sports like boxing, wrestling, and MMA should be banned
  5. Talk about your favorite soccer player and justify the same
  6. Should countries work together to learn about all types of sports?
  7. Can sports be a good career opportunity for students?
  8. Exploring if students should be paid for representing their institutions in sports events
  9. Is it necessary for schools and colleges to ban soccer and football to avoid injuries?
  10. Should students be forced to join sports? 

Easy 2-Minute Speech Topics

  1. A discussion on the reasons education is important for all
  2. Exploring the importance of learning a second language
  3. Can music heal people?
  4. Social media is playing a major role in informing people about various events
  5. Suggest ways to improve your self-confidence and be a better version of yourself
  6. Do you feel public transport should be made free?
  7. The after-effects of Covid-19 pandemic
  8. The evolution of education over the years
  9. How has social media helped budding musicians and other underground artists?
  10. Explore some quick ways to complete academic tasks

Interesting 2-Minute Speech Topics 

  1. Can placing a health tax on junk foods help curb the problems of overconsumption?
  2. Using technology to create artificial life forms can be harmful going forward
  3. Can you trust movie reviews to choose what to watch next?
  4. How is social media bridging the gap between nations?
  5. Is it necessary to print calories on restaurant menus?
  6. Exploring ways to make all citizens cast their vote
  7. Understanding how tourism contributes to a nation’s economy
  8. A discussion on the importance of exams for better preparations
  9. A look at how movies are showing famous personalities without any evidence
  10. Exploring how technology is affecting our day-to-day lives

2-Minute Speech Topics on Animals

  1. Is it right to use animals for scientific testing?
  2. Do you feel factory farming is not the right way to raise animals? 
  3. A discussion on how animal abuse is a serious crime 
  4. Governments must take steps to ensure all stray animals are safe
  5. It is necessary to set rules and regulations to keep a pet
  6. Exotic animals must be left in their natural habitats and should not be allowed as pets
  7. Do you feel killing animals in the name of culture should be allowed?
  8. The steps to take to ensure circus animals do not get harmed or injured in the process
  9. Citizens must have an idea about animal rights set by the authorities
  10. Teasing animals should be made a punishable offense

Miscellaneous 2-Minute Speech Topics

  1. How is technology shaping the future?
  2. A discussion on the importance of volunteering for a better future
  3. Can the youth play a major role in bringing about a change in society?
  4. Exploring the need to maintain a healthy diet
  5. How is social media affecting relationships?
  6. Understanding the significance of traveling to places 
  7. Do you feel reading can be beneficial for students from all levels? 
  8. How can a positive attitude help you overcome the odds and make a good impression?
  9. Explain the reasons to save money for a better future
  10. How can better critical thinking skills benefit you in the long run? 


Do’s and Don'ts In delivering a good 2-minute speech

As you are now equipped with a list of the most trending 2-minute speech topics on various subjects, you can select any topic you are comfortable and confident with. However, before starting the 2-minute speech, you must be aware of the do’s and don’ts when delivering a perfect 2-minute speech topic. Let's look at them


  • You must conduct in-depth research regarding the topic and have collected enough amount of evidence to support your arguments. This will help in justifying your discussion. 
  • Always start your 2-minute speech topic with an attention-grabbing line to capture the interest of the audience. 
  • Select the right words when conveying the message. 
  • Maintain positive eye contact and be confident.
  • Make use of props when necessary during your 2- 2-minute speech. 


  • Don't alter your pace when delivering a 2-minute speech by going too fast or too slow. Maintain a constant pace.
  • Don't move from one point or argument to another without making use of transition words in your 2-minute speech.
  • Don't use any type of filter, as it will result in making the audience lose their interest. 
  • Don't ignore the questions that the audience may ask. 
  • Don't be rude when answering the questions of the audience. 



Public speaking is a difficult thing and it is not possible to have the required skills for completing the job with perfection. Therefore it becomes understand all the aspects before delivering your 2-minute speech. Do not make the wrong impression that a 2-minute is a very long time. Therefore it is important to prepare well for the speech and create a long-lasting impression in the minds of the audience after you deliver your 2-minute speech in your school and college. 

Get the best help from “the assignment ninjas” regarding your English speech topics. Our experts will provide you with the best writing support for all your assignments in any subject and domain. We have a team of highly experienced writers ready to provide you with tailor-made services based on your requirements and help you excel in your academic career. 

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