Home Blog 9 Project Management Tools that will help you get your job done

Project management tools

The project management (PM) tool helps the team leaders execute the work efficiently and effectively. PM tools help complete the project in the stipulated time, identify the task dependencies, and tag assignees, making the PM tools very complex.  PM tools help support the most significant projects, from planning to executing the project.  The PM tools use specific methodologies, which help rank the different works based on their priority level. Some other PM tools help provide various customizing features, which help the project managers select the best project completion strategies. Depending on the work style. Team collaboration is essential for practical project completion. As a result, the project management tools help provide chat capabilities and knowledge databases, which helps streamline teamwork.

Task management is also an essential part of any project as it helps keep track of different activities and maintains the project deliveries.  PM tools help provide every instrument required to complete the project on time and communicate among the team members.


Best Project management software

Although every project management tool has the same functionalities, selecting the tool that meets the business requirements and project budgets is vital.  

  • Asana 

Asana is a comprehensive OM tool that personalizes sales, marketing, product teams, and many more options. One of the best features of Asana is the project planning tool, which helps the team add dependencies and make the project move together with shifting timelines. 

  • Trello

It is one of the best tools for small teams as it helps quickly share tasks among the team members. Trello uses a Kanban-style board, which provides information on the world in the queue and the progress of different and completed tasks.  The board also provides task cards to the team members in the project, which provide descriptions and comments, provide communication, and centralize all the information with all the team members.  The app also provides plug-in options, which further help centralize the information regarding project completion rather than jumping between third-party apps. The tool benefits the team members by providing all the information in one place and automating the workflow. 

  • ClickUp

ClickUp helps boost the productivity of the project by centralizing the workflow. The tool helps create boards, which include custom categories and tasks. Also, the drag-and-drop cards presented in the app are comprehensive, which helps make motes, status tags, easy assignments, and options for adding further documents.  ClickUp also provides more than 50 conditions, triggers, and actions that help automate tasks, which helps save lots of time. The whiteboard in ClickUp allows the team members to make their project plans.

  • Monday.com

Monday.com has some of the major clients in the world, such as Canva, Universal Music Group, and Hulu. The app is considered one of the ultimate tools for teams wanting to customize every part of the real-time workflow. It has bespoke dashboards and central term databases. It also provides many PM tools and techniques for the team members to access the platform. The application also facilitates the development of end-to-end customer relationship management options, which helps different teams in the project work simultaneously. 

  • Zoho projects

It is a cloud-based project management tool that provides options such as grant charts, to-do lists, and other options in different platforms such as integrations and automation. The application benefits those teams willing to task from different apps such as Wriek, Basecamp, and Jira. It is one of the most comprehensive tools for any industry and helps provide solutions for new teams in various niches. 

  • Notion 

The workplace of Notion revolves around documents, knowledge bases, and wikis, which provide easy editing and quick sharing among the team members in the project. The application also contains traditional features such as Kanban Boards, sprint planners, and calendars to organize different project parts.  The application also provides templates based on Notion and community. These templates provide different options, such as meeting notes and task lists, which can be modified per the project's needs. The application also provides AI support, which helps in the auto-generation of drafts synthesizing the meeting notes, which helps save the team members time. 

  • Wrike

Wrike is one of the most simple project management tools focusing on work simplicity. The platform guides the users through the project planning stages and creates custom workflows, Interactive Gantt charts, and single-click reporting. It also provides a cross-departmental tool, which helps the different departments of the organization to work on the project simultaneously and break down silos. The tool also helps provide ready-made templates for different types of projects.  Compared to other tools, Wrike provides unlimited features and add-ons, which helps streamline the project work. This is an excellent choice for teams wanting to work smartly without a significant learning curve. 

  • ProofHub

ProofHub provides all the available tools in one place. The platform is very user-friendly., and provides a customizable planning tool. Moreover, the app also provides time-tracking options, templates, and tools. The reporting feature helps monitor resources in the project and makes visuals easy to read. The templates present in the app help the team members by providing starting points for developing customized tools for the project. ProofHub is helpful for teams looking for more visually attractive and user-friendly tools. The application is also handy as it is free from any distractive add-ons. Companies like Google, Netflix, and NASA use ProofHub to streamline their projects. This shows the efficiency of the application. 

  • Basecamp

Basecamp provides an option for messaging and an option to see the task board for teamwork. The application also provides campfire features, which help the members chat about the project's progress. No other app in the market provides such an extensive team collaboration option. This makes Basecamp one of the most beneficial project management tools that helps provide effective communication.  Per the company's vision statement, the software focuses on providing simplicity to the customers. 

Steps for selecting the Best PM tool

Although many tools are available in the market, they have advantages and disadvantages. However, it is essential to select the tool based on the needs of the businesses. Some considerations to keep in mind when selecting the PM tool are as follows:

  • Analyzing the needs of the project.
  • Thinking of the future
  • Testing the tool before implementing it.

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