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A common mistake to avoid when writing a dissertation

Writing a dissertation is considered a mountainous task, a capstone for the academic journey. It is not an essay, rather it is a testament to the dedication or expertise of the candidate in a given field.  Although the journey of writing a well-crafted and perfect dissertation is full of potential pitfalls. Therefore, let us look at some of the common mistakes that generally happen when writing a dissertation and it is important to avoid creating a shining dissertation, showcasing intellect and hard work. 

A dissertation helps in showcasing academic endeavors, requiring the meticulous attention of the writer. A dissertation is not just about the word count, it is focused on presenting coherent, well-researched original content. Unfortunately, many students face difficulty from the start. 

Starting with the wrong foot

  • Choosing the inadequate Topic: The topic of the dissertation acts as a compass for the dissertation. Selecting the wrong word in the topic can result in making the project move in an unknown direction. Selecting a narrow topic helps in providing a perfect balance to the dissertation. 
  • Neglecting Through research: Research is considered the backbone of any dissertation. Researching is more than spreading some articles and stitching them all together. Explore the resources,  and dig deep to collect a rich amount of materials to build the strong foundation required for the study.

Lack of structured planning

  • Absence of clear outline and planning: It is all about starting a journey without a map. A dissertation without the presence of a clear outline is just like a journey without a map.  The outline is the roadmap that guides the writer through a vast landscape of research. 
  • Not following the deadlines: Time management is very crucial. Deadlines are not always arbitrary, rather they help in maintaining steady progress.  

Ignoring the importance of literature Review

  • Understanding the importance of a Literature review: The literature review in the dissertation provides the context of the topic and justifies the research. Therefore ignoring the literature review undermines the credibility of the research work. It is advisable to pay attention to the existing research and showcase how the study fits into the larger landscape.
  • Not linking the literature review with the research problem: The literature review should seamlessly transition into the research problem. It is important to showcase the connection between the literature review and research problem as it helps in understanding the relevance of the study. 

Inadequate Data Collection and analysis

  • Not employing diverse types of data sources: Dissertations heavily depend on a large number of data sources. Therefore, it is important not to limit to a single type of data source. Diversifying the data sources helps in providing a comprehensive and holistic approach towards the topic.
  • Improper data analysis method: Selecting the correct method of data analysis is very important to conduct a well-structured dissertation paper. A good data collection method is very helpful in making the collected data very useful, and results in creating accurate conclusions. 

Poor writing expression

Making use of over-complex language

  • Over complex Language: Simplicity is considered as the key to effective communication. Making use of complex terms and phrases can look impressive but it also results in alienating the readers. Therefore it becomes important to maintain coherence and clarity in the research.
  • Lack of clarity and Coherence: A well-written and structured dissertation is a pleasure to read. Ensure that each paragraph of the dissertation seamlessly flows into the next paragraph to maintain the logical progress of ideas. 

Neglecting the importance of Referencing and citation

  • Not adhering to the required citation style: Every academic field has its citation style. Therefore following the proper citation style is very important in getting higher marks.
  • Incorrectly referencing or citing the sources: Misreferencing, or misquoting the sources results in affecting the credibility of the work negatively. Therefore it becomes important to double-check each citation to eliminate any type of unintentional error present in the referencing or citation process. 

Avoiding the importance of proofreading and editing

  • Too much dependence on Spell checkers: Spell checkers can miss critical errors. Always proofread the work completed or provide it to someone to do it. This will provide a fresh look to catch the mistakes that might be overlooked.
  • Not Seeking External Editing Help: Taking the help of professional editors helps in collecting valuable insights, and offering important suggestions to improve the overall quality and cohesiveness of the dissertation work. 

Mismanagement of time

  • Procrastination: The more you procrastinate, the less time you will get for improvement and revisions. It is important to start early and maintain a steady approach. 
  • Underestimating the time requirements: A dissertation requires more time than you plan and think. Never underestimate the efforts required to complete the research, writing, revising, and formatting. 

Isolation and Lack of Feedback

  • Not taking guidance from supervisors or peers: Isolation can help in hindering the progress of the research. Regularly taking feedback from the supervisors can be very valuable. 
  • Neglecting the feedback: Feedback is not meant for criticizing, it is for improving. Embrace it, learn from the feedback and help in shaping the dissertation into a better version. 

Overloading with the information 

  • Making use of irrelevant details: Always providing a large amount of information is not correct. Providing the right and essential information can help in weeding out any irrelevant information that can fill the dissertations with irrelevant information. 
  • Going off on tangents: It is important to give full focus on the research questions. Losing focus can confuse the readers, and reduce the overall impact of the study on the readers. 

Lack of flexibility in revising

  • Resisting the changes required: It is important to always be ready to change the information provided during the revision process whenever required. The planes made before the beginning of the research can differ as you go deep within your research. 
  • Sticking to the original plan too rigidly: Flexibility is very important in any research. Therefore it is important to be ready to make changes to the approaches in a more effective way to present the findings of the research. 

Lack of proper Citations for images and tables

  • Not providing credit where required: Tables and values help in increasing the value of the dissertation. Therefore it becomes important to give credit to creators of images and tables. 
  • Incorrect or misleading Labeling: It is important to ensure that tables and images are labeled accurately. This helps in improving the context and clarity of the research.

Neglecting Mental Health and self-care

  • Ignoring burnout and stress: Remaining healthy is very important. Take regular breaks, perform exercise, and involve yourself in activities that energize your mind and body. 
  • Overworking without taking breaks: Quality always wins over quantity. Overworking leads to burnout. This impacts the productivity and overall quality of the dissertation. 


When completing your dissertation wok, avoiding these common mistakes is very much in increasing the overall quality of the dissertation. The dissertation is not just about academic achievement. It represents the ability of the candidate to perform in depth research, organize the thoughts and showcase effective communication skills. By avoiding the above mentioned errors provide the way for creating  stellar dissertations that stand out from the crowd and provide meaningful contribution to the field. 

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