Home Blog Demonstration Speech Ideas

As a student one of the prominent speeches you are required in school and college is a demonstration speech.  These speeches are the most common form of public speaking in schools and colleges—they help describe the ways of doing different things with step-by-step explanations. Various types of visual aids such as charts, graphs, and handouts can be used to clarify the points. However, selecting a proper topic for a demonstration speech can create major challenges for the students as there are many topics to choose from. Also, it takes a lot of time to compare different “how to present ideas” against different topics to select a suitable topic.  Also, it highlights the importance of understanding how to make interesting demonstration speech ideas. Therefore the following blog will help you provide details regarding different demonstration speech ideas and how to develop new demonstration ideas for effective presentation.  It will also guide for subject selection and preparing demonstration speeches in schools and colleges.

What are demonstration speech topics?

Generally, a demonstration speech is the subject or theme of the presentation. In simple words, it provides information regarding the demo. Generally, it is advisable to select the topics in which you are good enough, however, the nature of the presentation plays a significant role in choosing the topic for demonstration. It is important to note that the selected topic should help show how something works or is made. Some of the common examples include., “How can you organize your room or bedroom?”, “or how the screen of a smartphone works?”  On the other hand process speech topics describe the way of completing a process. For instance “How to play football?” Therefore it becomes important to select the most appropriate theme for the presentation to avoid any type of confusion. 

Components of good demonstration speech

As said earlier, delivering an effective speech starts with the selection of an appropriate topic for the demonstration speech. Avoiding the initial problems when delivering your speech ensures that you speak about something you are very much aware of.  This will help in streamlining your work. Therefore when selecting a high-quality demonstration speech it should have the following attributes.

  • The topic can be described in the given time. Demonstration speeches generally last for 10-15 minutes.
  • It is valuable for the target audience and should help in enhancing their knowledge.
  • Should not include a large number of steps
  • The speech should not be excessively technical
  • It should be explainable to a large audience
  • It should not include excessively discussed common topics such as abortion.

Steps for selecting demonstration speech ideas 

One of the most challenging parts of the demonstration speech is the selection of the demonstration speech idea.  Starts with analyzing those events that you find interesting. Therefore let's look at the steps that will help in selecting an interesting demonstration speech ideas. 

  • Think about your interests which may include food of your choice, sports, hobbies, favorite animal, or any other interesting place you may have visited.
  • Before selecting the topic it is important to analyze the audience and their interest and how your speech idea is relevant to them. This is important as it will help in saving time in selecting the most engaging themes for the audience For instance selecting topics related to engineering for an audience belonging to the field of psychology. This does not make any sense to them. Also, it is important for the idea to the relatable to the listeners such as issues affecting the community or society. 
  • Decide on the things you want to demonstrate in the speech by providing specific examples such as the process of solving a puzzle. However, the theme is too wide and may not be covered in 5-10 minutes. Narrow down your focus to something precise such as how to solve a math crossword.
  • Focus on what the presentation wants to accomplish i.e. what is the goal of the presentation. For instance, how to save money, or do you want your audience to practice healthy eating habits?



Demonstration speech ideas

The topic and language play an important role in affecting the presentation of the demonstration speech. The first step is to make a theme. Generally, the topics look great at first, however, it can create difficulties in creating the demos from them.  It is important to conduct in-depth research regarding the topic. This helps in creating effective demonstration speech ideas.  Stop copy-pasting “how to do” before the demonstration topic ideas directly. Make use of your existing themes to make your subject. 



Some of the best demonstration topic ideas on different topics include:

  • Tips for managing water pollution.
  • Dressing for a date.
  • Writing a novel.
  • Cleaning your kitchen properly.
  • Purchasing a smartphone.
  • Dividing your garden.
  • Steps for performing yoga.
  • Techniques for saving water.
  • Techniques for taking nice photos with your smartphone.
  • Ways of making a 1-hour exercise plan.
  • Ways of speaking confidently in public.
  • Ways of building a website.
  • Preparing a stew with herbs and vegetables.
  • Dealing with the fear of mathematics.
  • Playing the trumpet.
  • Meditation techniques for seniors.
  • Surviving without sugar.
  • Ways of traveling abroad cheaply. 

An easy demonstration of speech ideas

  • Useful tips on learning French.
  • What are the basics of identifying fake news?
  • Tips for improving your social skills.
  • Becoming an actor.
  • Eating healthier.
  • Guidelines for reading body language.
  • Mouth hygiene tips for men.
  • Techniques for completing your homework quicker.
  • What makes a good soup?
  • Precautions for using autopilot in your car.
  • Healthy exercise tips for tackling weight gain.
  • How to use Google Docs.
  • Changing a car tire.
  • How to bathe your baby.
  • Using an oven for dummies.
  • Overcome destructive habits.
  • Bake the best chocolate cakes.
  • Making online learning fun.
  • Swimming techniques.
  • Useful guidelines to follow while walking on a busy street.

Interesting demonstration speech ideas

  • Ways of making your smile contagious.
  • Finding real online friends.
  • Riding a horse.
  • Seeking forgiveness from someone.
  • Ways smartphones affect your brain.
  • Guidelines for creating a garden out of a lawn.
  • Investing $100 and becoming a millionaire.
  • Influencing your employees to stay loyal.
  • Tips on being successful like billionaires.
  • How do electric cars work?
  • How to stop checking your Facebook feed excessively.
  • How to fly a plane.
  • Talking with your emotions.
  • How do video games benefit students?
  • Tips on making life easier. 

Intriguing demonstration speech ideas

  • Why girls do not like each other?
  • Ways of identifying the right tires for your electric car.
  • Why should you not borrow money from friends?
  • Ways of increasing the forest cover to deal with climate change.
  • How celebrities are idolized today.
  • Learning geography from sports fans.
  • Ways DNA tests are used to identify criminals.
  • How do tourists influence economic development?
  • How do organ transplants affect mental health?
  • Guidelines for dealing deal with sleeping disorders.
  • How private prisons work.
  • Ways media independence affects democracy.
  • Tips for dealing with stuttering problems.
  • Tips for living on $5 a day.
  • Guidelines for creating a successful brand. 

Good topics for demonstration speeches

  • Ways of delivering your CV to online job sites.
  • Tips for making traps for wasps.
  • Cleaning natural and synthetic fabrics.
  • Making lemonade.
  • Meditating correctly.
  • Creating a silk flower bouquet.
  • Coloring Easter eggs.
  • Ways of making a fragranced pillow.
  • Guidelines for relieving stress using stretching techniques.
  • Ways of creating animated gifs.
  • How to defend yourself when attacked.
  • Offering yourself a pedicure/manicure.
  • Cleaning your laptop.
  • Different poses for yoga.
  • Performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 

Funny Demonstration speech ideas

  • The benefits of procrastination.
  • A list of bizarre sports you do not know about.
  • Lie like a spy.
  • Secrets to lasting intimate relationships.
  • How to bathe your cat.
  • Techniques for initiating conversations with people you dislike.
  • Tips on how not to be punished at school.
  • How to avoid dreaming about ghosts.
  • What are the techniques to avoid cheating in exams?
  • Crazy business ideas.
  • Ways of catching liars.
  • Why daily 30-minute naps at work are good for everyone.
  • Tips for not forgetting to turn off the iron after using it.
  • How to watch a horror movie alone.
  • Techniques for living with a terrible roommate 

Creative demonstration ideas

  • Guidelines for registering a company in your country.
  • Ways of using robots at home.
  • Tips for creating 2D animations with a smartphone.
  • Photoshop uses techniques.
  • Guidelines for finding part-time work remotely.
  • Techniques for dealing with stage fright or anxiety when speaking in public.
  • Why telemarketing is beneficial.
  • Ways technology benefits the education sector.
  • Guidelines for securing your house from burglars.
  • How to prepare for interviews.
  • Developing cross-platform apps.
  • Organizing your scholarship application papers.
  • Creating a stunning essay.
  • Tips on using technology to prevent crime.
  • Techniques for saving money effectively.

Unique demonstration ideas

  • Tips for using idioms in your writing work.
  • Guidelines for finding effective health insurance in your area.
  • Why school uniforms are needed.
  • How to select the best running approach that suits your needs.
  • Bottling white wine confidently.
  • Finding and buying cheap books.
  • Color books as an adult and its benefits.
  • Ways of checking your blood sugar level.
  • Tips for lifting weights like an Olympic champion.
  • Techniques for practicing tai chi safely.
  • Living without technology.
  • Why separating classrooms for girls and boys is beneficial to the study process.
  • Why teachers and students should not befriend each other on social media.
  • Why religion should be taught at schools.
  • How smart cities work.
  • The effect of texting on the writing and vocabulary abilities of students. 

Demonstration topics for five minutes duration 

Creating a five-minute demonstration topic is not very difficult. In case you are an experienced speaker, five minutes is enough to address the main themes of the speech. However, selecting the appropriate ideas is very important as you may become uninterested during the delivery process. However, selecting the topics that can create curiosity in them can help in keeping the audiences involved. Some of the common five-minute topics for demonstration essays are

  • Tips for enjoying life as an introvert.
  • Techniques for organizing a party.
  • Tips for wearing a scarf.
  • Being financially secure.
  • Overcoming fear.
  • Five steps for writing a blog article.
  • How to motivate yourself every day.
  • Caring for your shoes.
  • Starting a successful online business.
  • Ways of using colors to elevate your mood.
  • Ways of telling if a person is lying.
  • Ways of shopping online securely.
  • Tips to revive dead plants.
  • Ways of being happy without money.
  • Ways of becoming a vegan.
  • How online classes affect grades.


Therefore whether the demonstration speech is for any subject no matter what the subject is, the topic should be interesting, compelling, and simple. If you face any problem finding suitable demonstration speech ideas then the topics and ideas presented in this blog can be useful. However, it is important to note that before delivering the speech you must be aware of the topic before the demonstration speech. Also, it is important to note that focusing on themes that you are interested in helps in presenting them completely and preciously within the given time frame. 

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