Gibbs's reflective cycle consists of six distinct stages that help an individual reflect on the experience gained in professional life. The Gibbs reflective model consists of six steps in circular motion, which depicts the process of learning from experience. The model has six steps that need to be followed to present self-reflection in professional life.
The first three steps at the beginning of the cycle focus on analyzing what happened to the individual during the experience gained. The last three steps focus on the steps to improve future experiences in similar situations by learning from the previous experiences gained.
In this stage, the individual describes the situation they are facing. The writer provides complete details about the situation and events without any conclusion. The first stage is crucial as it helps set the scene and provides the context of the experience gained by the individual. Some of the questions involved in the description step are
In this stage, the writer shares their experiences during the event. In this stage, it is crucial. To describe the feelings and not judge the event based on the feelings. Some of the essential questions which are asked in this stage are:
During this stage, the author evaluates the experience gained during the event. The author provides information regarding the objectives and things that did not go as planned. During this stage, the author needs to be honest, which can help gain fundamental knowledge from the experience gained. Some of the crucial steps which are answered during this stage are
During this stage, the author analyzes the factors that contributed positively and negatively during the event. In this stage, the author evaluates the different options that the author can take in the future during similar situations. In this stage, the author can use different academic tools and models to formulate strategies for the future. For instance, if the author faced any problem during the presentation process due to the need for proper structure. Then, the author can use different tools to improve the presentation in the future.
After analyzing various options during the situation, the writer needs to conclude the future. The creation of a conclusion helps in answering the following questions.
During this stage, the author makes an action plan based on the conclusion and how he will position himself for similar situations in the future. It has become essential for the author to make the necessary changes and commit to the action plan to face challenging situations more quickly.
The Gibbs reflective cycle is essential as it helps the individual evaluate the experience gained and take the required action, which allows better handle the same situation in the future. Some of the other significant benefits of using the Gibbs reflective cycle are
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