Home Blog How to write a Discursive Essay

A discursive essay is an academic paper that involves extensive discussion on a specific topic. These essays are generally assigned to students in colleges and universities.  This type of paper is generally written for the following purposes. Some of the significant purposes are

  • Argues for or against the topic.
  • Present the points of view on both sides. 
  • Giving unbiased opinions on the essay topic. 

What is a discursive essay?

Unlike any other essay, a discursive essay requires a unique set of skills, requiring the writer to navigate different perspectives, including various viewpoints and provide a set of balanced arguments. 

The primary purpose of a discursive essay is to conduct an unbiased and reliable assessment of any particular issue. However, the discursive essay does not require constantly to be neutral. The essay should contain relevant facts and figures that help present both sides.  

Structure of Discursive Essay 

The writing style of a discursive essay is more formal and impersonal when compared to the writing style of any other type of essay.  The structure of a discursive essay contains the following.

  • The essay starts with a detailed introduction to the topic.
  • The essay's question should be discussed in single and separate paragraphs.
  • Every paragraph should begin with a solid and impactful issue statement.
  • Paragraphs starting one crucial part are followed by another paragraph stating a counterpoint for the argument made in the previous point. 

Types of discursive essay

There are generally three distinct types of discursive essays. These are 

  • Opinion essays: This type helps demonstrate the writer's opinion on a particular topic in the introduction chapter. Reasons and examples support the opinions made by the writer. The essay should also contain an opposing argument, generally stated before the conclusion. The writer should also provide information regarding the different facts that make the counterarguments made in the essay unconvincing. The conclusion of the essay should restate the opinion of the essay. 
  • Against and for essay: This type of essay helps provide the readers with a detailed debate about a specific topic with the help of opposing points. Each point in the debate should be discussed in detail and objectively. The introduction paragraph discusses the critical points regarding the issue that is the essay's focus.  This type of essay's main body includes examples and arguments that help justify the arguments made in the essay.  The topic's conclusion should include the author's opinion and balanced reflections regarding the issue in the essay. 
  • Essay for solutions to a problem: This type of essay generally discusses the problem stated in the essay and helps provide the solution identified in the essay. The introduction contains detailed information regarding the problem and provides information regarding the consequences and impact of the problem. The main body includes suggestions regarding the different solutions to the problem and the potential results and consequences. The conclusion section of the problem should state the author's opinion distinctly regarding the problem. 


Steps for writing a discursive essay

Like any other essay, a discursive essay starts with an introduction section and concludes with a firm conclusion.


  • The introduction section is the first step towards an informative and attractive discursive essay on any given topic. 
  • The introduction should include a hook statement for the readers. The hook statement should be interesting for the readers. 
  • The introduction of a discursive essay should also include a small explanation regarding the problems discussed in the essay. The writers can also use quotations and rhetorical questions in the introduction section.
  • The introduction should demonstrate both sides of the problem and summarize the issue. 

2.Main body

It is the next important step in writing an informative and attractive discursive essay and plays an essential role in creating an essay. Some of the crucial steps that should be taken into consideration while composing the main body of the essay are

  • The first and foremost point which should be taken care of is to be unprejudiced in the essay. It is crucial for the writer to assess all the different aspects of the topic. The writers should avoid any type of personal feelings in the essay. 
  • Secondly, it is also essential for the writer to build their arguments. If the writer has more than one argument, mentioning each in separate paragraphs is vital. This helps in providing a distinctive and comprehensive look to the essay. It is also important to provide supporting evidence for the arguments made in the essay. 
  • The third important step in writing and discussing an essay is to write the body alternatively.  This implies that the first paragraph of the body should provide an argument in support of the topic, and the second paragraph should include arguments opposite to the issue. The combination of alternative paragraphs helps make the essay look well-researched and apparent. It also helps the writers maintain a neutral position in the essay. 
  • The fourth and most crucial step when writing the body of the discursive essay is to provide evidence and topic sentences.  Every paragraph of the body should include a summary of the argument made in the paragraph.  It helps the readers understand the points provided in the paragraph. It is essential to provide evidence for each argument made in every paragraph. 


  • It is the last section of the essay and plays an essential role in summarizing the arguments made in the essay.
  • The section should summarize the critical points made in the essay and the body paragraphs. 
  • The conclusion should also include the writer's opinion and should resonate with the evidence provided in the essay. 
  • It is essential to avoid repeating the findings and only summarize them. 

Style and language

  • The discursive essay should be written in a formal tone.  
  • The writers' ideas should be presented following the arguments made by the essays. 
  • Using different types of sentence structures is essential to improve the readers' reading experience. 


If the writer uses external sources of information, it is important to cite them per the essay's citation style. This is important as it helps in improving the overall credibility of the essay presented in the essay. 

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