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What is acknowledgement writing in the assignment?

Acknowledgement writing is an essential part of any assignment provided in colleges and universities. It helps provide the students with the opportunity to present their gratitude to all these professors and teachers to help them with their assignments.  It is essential to mention the names of different individuals based on their importance in the assignment. It is generally advised to show gratitude and appreciation shortly and concisely. During the writing of acknowledgement, the use of personal pronouns is allowed. Also, it is advisable to avoid using emotional nouns if the writing is not a personal reflective research. 

Some of the essential people that can be included in the acknowledgement are

  • Academic supervisor
  • Secondary supervisor 
  • Academic helpers in the university
  • Technical staff
  • Academic Advisor
  • Relevant institutes and organizations.
  • Former students
  • Friends and family 

Time to use an acknowledgement

There are no definite rules for writing an acknowledgement. However, they are mainly used during the preparation of the final year dissertations and project work.  The acknowledgement section should be placed before the content page in the project or dissertation. Also, it is advisable to limit the acknowledgement to one single page. When writing an assignment, it is essential to focus on the aims and objectives and develop arguments to turn the authorities, individuals and academic community to support the paper. Also, when preparing a project on social topics, the acknowledgement can be used to thank the parents and teachers who have contributed essential to completing the project or dissertation.   Moreover, when writing the acknowledgement for any assignment, it is also essential to take into consideration essential references that can help in reaching the target audience and also help in gaining academic success during the completion of the project. The acknowledgement of any assignment is generally written after the completion of the project or dissertation by creating a list of people who contributed actively to the completion. 

Different types of acknowledgement

When selecting the type of acknowledgement required for the assignment, it is essential to consider the project's contents. Some assignments require a simple thank you to the main academic helper who played an essential role in the completion of the project, or on the other hand, taking the help of different interdisciplinary experts to conduct the research required for the completion of the project or assignment. Some of the different types of acknowledgement used in different assignments are

  • Acknowledgement for scientific journal: In this type of acknowledgement, it is essential to mention gratitude to different publishers and college advisors to highlight them and their efforts to help gain success in the completion of the project. 
  • Acknowledgement for public research projects: When writing acknowledgements for public research, it is essential to mention the names of the university, community, state or any country in case of global projects. 
  • Reflective acknowledgement: During the creation of this type of assignment, it is essential to mention the names of the family members and friends who have played an essential role in the completion of the project. 
  • Acknowledgement for sponsors: If the writer completes the assignment based on a grant, it is essential to mention the names of those who contributed financially during the completion of the article or dissertation. 

Before writing the acknowledgement for any research, it is essential to examine the type of contributions made by others and which contributions are more applicable to completing the research. Providing acknowledgement helps in showcasing the type of assignment done and the critical person who contributed to the completion of the article and dissertation. 

Steps for writing acknowledgement for a college project

The following steps can help write a quality assignment in any college assignment. 

Step 1: It is crucial to make use of an appropriate tone. The tone of the acknowledgement can be decided by the type of person being thanked for completing the project or dissertation. The acknowledgement can also highlight the challenges faced and contributions made by the individuals to resolve them during the completion of the project.

Step 2: The acknowledgement should begin with a mention of the names of the influential teachers and individuals and their contributions to the completion of the project. 

Step 3: The next step is to mention the names of other helpers who contributed to the project and describe the contributions made by them. 

Step 4: It is also important to mention the various types of economic grants received by the student from different individuals and institutions during the completion of the project. 

Step 5: In this section, the student can use personal pronouns and verbs if applicable. 

Step 6: In this step, the student can provide a short speech for around 3-4 minutes. The total acknowledgement should be around 100-150 words. 

Step 7: It is essential to proofread the acknowledgement before the final submission.

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