Home Blog Mastering the Art of Concise Writing

How have you ever realized after writing something that it is too wordy or lengthy? Therefore if you want to write concisely and briefly then you must master the art of concise writing. Writing concisely and briefly means making use of free phrases and words to express your points. Writing concisely is very significant and is very helpful in today's busy world, as time is limited. On average a human being reads 238 words per minute. And this is also when they even start reading their texts, emails, and other items throughout their day. Although concise writing requires careful attention to organization and detail. There are different ways in which the information can be organized into a concise and clear format. One of the most used ways is to make use of Bullet points. Another important way to make use of a numbered list is to write and present the information concisely. Both of these methods are very helpful for the leaders to easily scan and absorb the information quickly. There are different types of ways that can be used to write concisely and still provide all the information to the readers. 

The first and foremost thing is to understand wordiness. Wordiness refers to the use of more words than necessary to convey a message. It often results from:

  • Redundant phrases
  • Unnecessary qualifiers
  • Passive voice
  • Excessive use of adjectives and adverbs
  • Overly complex sentences

Identifying and eliminating these elements can significantly improve the clarity and conciseness of your writing.

Readers generally treasure concise writing. The concise paragraphs and sentences grip the attention of the readers to help them focus on the main point of the writing. Concise writing is also helpful for the writer as it provides the opportunity to organize the information and streamline the overall writing process. The following blog will provide all the required information to master the art of concise writing. 

Important tips for concise writing

If you make a concentrated effort, you can refine your writing skills, so that you don't tire out the readers and also provide the most important information with crystal clear precision. 

  • Embrace Brevity: Making use of long and extra words, unnecessary phrases, and contrived chapters may boost your word count, however, they may impact the overall quality of concise writing. The writer is more effective when they elaborate their points clearly without making use of unnecessary words, redundant phrases and words.  It is important to focus on communicating the main arguments by using the least amount of words. Also in case you feel, the word is too spartan, then it can be beefed up later. 
  • Use only those words that are fully understandable: The inexperienced writers depend too heavily on thesaurus, to identify big and sophisticated words, however, that may not be the right word to synonym a simple word that is being replaceable. Any smart reader can identify the false synonyms. Placenta wrong word and can upend the entire sentence if used inappropriately. So making advanced vocabulary may look good, however, they must prioritize precision and clarity. 
  • Use technical terms cautiously: Before writing it is important to understand your audiences. For instance, if you are writing a trade journal or sending a business letter such as a cover letter for a job interview, it may be appropriate to make use of technical words. However, too many words with unexplained teams can also hurt the writing. This takes the help of the best-seller writers and follows how they make use of words. For example, New York Times bestselling authors like Stephen King and Dan Brown, are not forcing the words to the readers to help them understand the writing. They narrate stories in comfortable language, to most of the audiences, and in return gain the loyalty of the readers. 
  • Make use of active voice: When using active voice in a sentence, the subject acts. For example, “He caught the ball” is active. On the other hand, “The ball was caught by him” is a passive voice, however both sentences have the same information. However, the second sentence is more appealing when compared to the first sentence. However, in some cases make use of passive voice to accurately describe the situation.  However, in most cases, active voice is more direct when compared to passive voice. Therefore, it is important to make use of active verbs and phrases whenever there is a chance. 
  • Make judicious use of intensifiers, and qualifiers: The qualifier is a phrase or word that limits the overall reach of the statement. For instance, if you call a person,” the best athlete in the world”. This type of precision is considered the hallmark of good writing. However, using the qualifiers in too many amounts can also reduce the quality of the writing due to the presence of excessive prepositions and weak language. On the other hand, intensifiers are also helpful in making a strong statement for instance the phrase intense in the sentence, “the weather was extremely unpleasant” Also the use of intensifying graciously can result in creating a wordy sentence. Therefore in case the first draft of the writing is too heavy due to qualifiers, or intensifiers, then perform a revision process and remove the useless prepositions and words. 
  • Differ the sentence length: Concise writing can have both long and short sentences. This helps in providing a variety to the readers. In case the first sentence is long and a compound sentence, and has too many clauses, ensure that the next sentence is short and simple. New writers don't create short sentences as they assume that these are less complicated. Therefore they start making long and wordy sentences with vague words. However, some of the greatest writers such as Ernest Hemingway, and Judy Blume, made their name in short sentences. 
  • Look out for Nominalization: Nominalizations are generally multi-word phrases that can be replaced with single words. For instance, “gave an assessment of,” just write the single word “assessed.” This helps in providing the readers or the audiences with the most appropriate word quickly without making them read long phrases. 


Hope this word will help in solving all the doubts regarding mastering the art of concise writing, and help you in your next writing assignment. However in case you want any type of further help then you can reach our experts in “The Assignment Ninjas”, to help you with any type of writing as per your requirement and will provide you with tailored services as per your requirement. 

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