Home Blog Top 10 Part time Jobs for Students in Canada

Canada's education system provides various types of opportunities for national and international students studying in different colleges in Canada. The country also provides the students to experience a diverse and vibrant culture. However, studying in a different country creates financial challenges for international students. Part-time jobs play a significant role for students to reduce the financial burden. The following article will be beneficial in providing information regarding some of the most highly paying part-time jobs in Canada and the requirements the students need to fulfill to get eligible for these jobs.

Steps for finding part time jobs in Canada 

The student visa is beneficial for getting part-time jobs in Canada. Some of the significant tips that can help students in getting part-time jobs in Canada are

  • Identifying the campus resources:  The students need to visit the career service office of their campus. The career office may include fairs, job boards, and workshops for students searching for part-time jobs. This office also assists in resume building, preparing for the interview process, and connecting with new people, which can help them get in touch with potential employers in the country. 
  • Searching the job websites: Different job searches websites such as LinkedIn and Glassdoor can be beneficial in identifying relevant part-time jobs as per the interest of the students. These websites provide a variety of job listings based on the location and interest of the candidate.
  • Using connections and references: Networking and references are essential in locating part-time jobs in Canada. Connecting with the university community, associations, clubs, and alums can help get exciting job offers. 
  • Contacting the local business:  Visiting and locating local businesses on the campus, such as restaurants, local shops, and part-time job openings. Enquiring part-time job openings can help get job options on a Canada student Visa.  Sometimes, it is vital to be proactive to demonstrate genuine interest.

Eligibility criteria for getting a part-time job in Canada 

The eligibility for a part-time job differs for each employer, designation, and industry. However, some essential eligibility criteria need to be fulfilled by international students

  • Valid Visa: The international student must have a valid Canadian visa for working part-time. 
  • Social insurance number: The student should have a social insurance number.
  • Full-time student: The student should be enrolled in a full-time academic course in any designated learning institute at the post-secondary level. 
  • The student should be enrolled in a program that should have periods of more than six months and award students with a degree, diploma, or certificate after the completion of the academic course. The academic program date should be earlier than joining the part-time job. 

Top 10 part-time jobs in Canada

  • Teacher’s assistant 

Different colleges and teachers hire assistants (TAs) to help the teacher perform different activities.  These activities include helping and tutoring the students, making lesson plans, and updating the grades of the students. 

  • Bartender

The job of a bartender is one of the most famous jobs in part-time roles as it helps in providing a flexible schedule to work. However, the employees may sometimes need to work night shifts and weekends. The bartenders generally receive a good amount of tip, which helps Rhythm to earn a decent amount of money. 

  • Uber driver

Uber driver, also known as a delivery driver, is one of Canada's most famous part-time jobs for students. Uber is a ridesharing business that connects with riders with the help of their smartphones.  The essential requirement of becoming an Uber driver is to have a minimum age of 21 years, a smartphone, and a dependable car. 

  • Home tutor

In case you love to teach others, a home tutor is one of the best part-time jobs for students in Canada with a decent income during their studies. Tuition can be provided to students studying in elementary schools, colleges, or any other places.  Working as a home tutor helps the students increase their knowledge and skills and reduces their financial burden during their studies. 

  • Freelancer

There are different types of jobs available as a freelancer. These include web designers, writers, graphic designers, and many more. Freelancing writing is an excellent opportunity for students to work part-time and earn extra income during their studies. Working as a freelancer can help me gain experience for a future career in the writing industry. Freelancing work can be found on online platforms such as UpWork and Fiverr.

  • Nanny 

Working as a Nanny can also be an instrumental job role on a part-time basis in case you like to stay with students.  Many parents in Canada require assistance to help them manage their children's activities, such as picking them up from school, providing meals, and taking care of them. 

  • Barista

Generally, students love to work in coffee shops in Canada. As the workplace is enjoyable, it provides excellent opportunities for students to work part-time. The job provides impressive perks and financial benefits. 

  • Dog walker

Performing the job role of dog walker is a famous part-time job for students in Canada.  It is one of the most flexible part-time jobs in Canada.  

  • Translator

If the students know more than one language, they can use their skills to earn extra money during their studies.  A translator is required to speak, read, and write more than one language fluently and efficiently. This is one of the famous part-time jobs in Canada.

  • Retail worker 

Good communication skills can be beneficial in providing an opportunity to work as a sales employee and earn extra income during their studies.  Working as a sales employee is also very helpful as it helps students learn new transferable skills. The payment in these jobs is generally based on sales commissions. 


The availability of part-time jobs in Canada provides an excellent opportunity for students from abroad to reduce their financial burden while studying in different Canadian Universities. The viability of high-paying part-time jobs in Canada helps the students to earn a high income and also learn valuable skills, which helps in the personal and professional development of students in Canada. 

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